Sunday, November 14, 2010


Some bitches in my class is very irritating, one of them pulled my hair because she thought i broke her UNO card casing... i stood up and fucking say all the vulgarities i have in my mind including the word BITCH to her. In the end she cried, it is her own fucking fault what.. i havent even use violent like that alr.
Then the Z.A.P.E.S wrote down all they're name on a table , they all look at it and complain to teacher XD LOLZ. Then me and my friends look at it and laugh our ass of about it :DD. I really honoured the Z.A.P.E.S today .Then they all asked us why we all laugh then we all say straight to they're face that you all are bitches (:

Other then that happening ,

OHHH ya, All of the TFOA members sing out loud at class VERY FUN :D